Welcome to NNRME 2023
The conference will take place on 28–30 March 2023 and will be hosted by The School of Music, Theatre and Art at Örebro university.
NNRME's function is to strengthen research in music education in the Nordic countries, exchange research results and shed light on current music educational issues.
For the 23rd NNRME conference, we invite colleagues to address initiatives and restrictions to academic freedom in music education practice and research, as well as academic privilege and freedom. This theme can be viewed, interpreted, and discussed from different angles. For example, papers could address methodological issues with practice-based research projects, activism in music education research, challenges with working with politically sensitive topics, and music education researchers’ obligations to contribute to tackling the world challenges we are presently faced with.
Find out more about Nordic Network for Research in Music Education
Main conference: 28–30 March
PhD-day: 27 March
Submission starts — September 15
(Submission deadline — November 15) Extended deadline — November 30
Admission notice — January 15
Registration starts — December 15
Registration ends — February 15
The conference language in all sessions is English.

Practical information