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CFS - Centrum för feministiska samhällsstudier


Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality series

Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality is committed to the development of new feminist and profeminist perspectives on changing gender relations, with special attention to:

  • Intersections between gender and power differentials, based on age, class, dis/abilities, ethnicity, nationality, racialisation, sexuality, violence, and other social divisions
  • Intersections of societal dimensions and processes of continuity and change: culture, economy, generativity, polity, sexuality, science and technology
  • Embodiment: Intersections of discourse and materiality, and of sex and gender
  • Transdisciplinarity: intersections of humanities, social sciences, medical, technical and natural sciences
  • Intersections of different branches of feminist theorizing, including: historical materialist feminisms, postcolonial and anti-racist feminisms, radical feminisms, sexual difference feminisms, queerfeminisms, cyberfeminisms, posthuman feminisms, critical studies on men and masculinities
  • A critical analysis of the travelling of ideas, theories and concepts
  • A politics of location, reflexivity and transnational contextualizing that reflects the basis of the Series framed within European diversity and transnational power relations

For a full list of published and forthcoming volumes, follow this link.

For enquiries and proposals, please include both the series Editors Jeff Hearn and Nina Lykke, and the Editorial Coordinator, Silje Lundgren in your email: This is an email address; This is an email address; This is an email address

GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies

Örebro and Linköping University were granted support from the Swedish Research Council for five years, 2007-2011, to develop a gender studies center of excellence - Gendering EXcellence - GEXcel: Towards a European Center of Gender Excellence in Transnational and Transdisciplinary Studies of Changing Gender Relations, Intersectionalities and Embodiment.

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