Karuna Dahlberg
Karuna Dahlberg Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: a2FydW5hLmRhaGxiZXJnO29ydS5zZQ==
Telefon: 019 303452
Rum: P2343a

Om Karuna Dahlberg
Karuna Dahlberg är leg. sjuksköterska och specialistsjuksköterska inom intensivvård. Karuna disputerade 2018 med avhandlingen e-Assessed follow-up of postoperative recovery: developement, evaluation and patient experiences.
Sedan januari 2023 har Karuna anställning som universitetslektor vid Institutionen för Hälsovetenskaper.
Karuna undervisar på grundutbildning och specialistutbildning för sjuksköterskor.
Karunas forskningsområde är återhämtning efter operation. Det innefattar forskning kring digital uppföljnining efter dagkirurgi samt hur hälsolitteracitet och egenförmåga kan påverka återhämtning efter kirurgi. Vidare är Karuna ansvarig för ett nationellt och internationellt forskningsprojekt med syfte att kartlägga och undersöka roll och kompetens hos sjuksköterskor som arbetar på en uppvakningsavdelning.
Pågående projekt
- Egenförmåga, hälsolitteracitet och livskvalitet hos en grupp som genomgått överviktskirurgi
- Förberedd eller redo för katastrofer?
- POPS - Postoperativ vård och patientsäkerhet
- Psykometrisk utvärdering av den svenska versionen av HLS19-Q12
Avslutade projekt
- eHälsolitteracitet och postoperativ återhämtning bland svensktalande och icke svensktalande personer som genomgår kirurgi
- Prone Tection - en intervjustudie med avsikt att undersöka behovet av utbildningsmaterial vid vård av patienter som lagts i bukläge för att stödja patientens andningsfunktion
- Sjuksköterska inom postoperativ vård: Kompetens och roll
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Derblom, K. , Dahlberg, K. , Gabrielsson, S. , Lindgren, B. & Molin, J. (2025). Key Aspects of Recovery-Oriented Practice in Caring for People With Mental Ill-Health in General Emergency Departments: A Modified Delphi Study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 34 (2), 565-579. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Hugelius, K. (2024). The Transition Between Surgery and Ward: Patients’ Experiences of Care in a Postoperative Care Unit. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 39 (2), 288-293. [BibTeX]
- Fourie, A. , Karlberg-Traav, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Hanssens, V. , Smet, S. , Jaensson, M. & Beeckman, D. (2023). Exploring the learning needs of clinicians in Belgium and Sweden regarding prone positioning and skin damage prevention: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 128. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Cao, Y. , Näslund, E. & Stenberg, E. (2023). Incident self-harm after bariatric surgery: A nationwide registry-based matched cohort study. Clinical Obesity, 13 (3). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Månsson, S. , Lyckner, S. , Lindgren, L. & Alm, F. (2023). The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on perioperative factors: data from the Swedish Perioperative Register. Perioperative Medicine, 12 (1). [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Wångdahl, J. (2023). Validity and reliability of the Arabic version of the HLS-EU-Q16 and HLS-EU-Q6 questionnaires. BMC Public Health, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Wångdahl, J. (2023). Validity and reliability of the swedish versions of the HLS-EU-Q16 and HLS-EU-Q6 questionnaires. BMC Public Health, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Bylund, A. , Stenberg, E. & Jaensson, M. (2022). An endeavour for change and self-efficacy in transition: patient perspectives on postoperative recovery after bariatric surgery - a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Josefsson, E. , Stenberg, E. & Dahlberg, K. (2022). Do reasons for undergoing bariatric surgery influence weight loss and health related quality of life: A Swedish mixed method study. PLOS ONE, 17 (10). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Flodberg, M. , Månsson, S. & Nilsson, U. (2022). Levels of education and technical skills in registered nurses working in post-anaesthesia care units in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36 (1), 71-80. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Sundqvist, A. , Nilsson, U. & Jaensson, M. (2022). Nurse competence in the post-anaesthesia care unit in Sweden: A qualitative study of the nurse’s perspective. BMC Nursing, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Stenberg, E. , Liang, Y. , Nilsson, U. & Jaensson, M. (2022). The General Self-Efficacy Scale in a population planned for bariatric surgery in Sweden: a psychometric evaluation study. BMJ Open, 12 (11). [BibTeX]
- Wångdahl, J. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2021). Arabic Version of the Electronic Health Literacy Scale in Arabic-Speaking Individuals in Sweden: Prospective Psychometric Evaluation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23 (3). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Brady, J. M. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Odom-Forren, J. (2021). Education, competence, and role of the nurse working in the PACU: an international survey. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 36 (3), 224-231. [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Wångdahl, J. (2021). Health literacy and e-health literacy among Arabic-speaking migrants in Sweden: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Forget, P. & Dahlberg, K. (2021). Is multi-source feedback the future of perioperative medicine?. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine, 40 (3). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2021). The Swedish Web Version of the Quality of Recovery Scale Adapted for Patients Undergoing Local Anaesthesia and Peripheral Nerve Blockade, SwQoR-LA: Prospective Psychometric Evaluation Study. JMIR Perioperative Medicine, 4 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Stenberg, E. , Liang, Y. , Nilsson, U. & Dahlberg, K. (2021). Validity and reliability of the Swedish Functional Health Literacy scale and the Swedish Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale in patients undergoing bariatric surgery in Sweden: a prospective psychometric evaluation study. BMJ Open, 11 (11). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Jaensson, M. , Hugelius, K. , Arakelian, E. & Dahlberg, K. (2020). A journey to a new stable state-further development of the postoperative recovery concept from day surgical perspective: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 10 (9). [BibTeX]
- Wångdahl, J. , Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Nilsson, U. (2020). The Swedish Version of the Electronic Health Literacy Scale: Prospective Psychometric Evaluation Study Including Thresholds Levels. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 8 (2). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2019). “Let the patient decide” – person-centered postoperative follow-up contacts, initiated via a phone app after day surgery: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Surgery, 33-37. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2019). Low Preoperative Mental and Physical Health is Associated with Poorer Postoperative Recovery in Patients Undergoing Day Surgery: A Secondary Analysis from a Randomized Controlled Study. World Journal of Surgery, 43 (8), 1949-1956. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Hugelius, K. (2019). Postoperative recovery after general and regional anesthesia in patients undergoing day surgery: A mixed methods study. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 34 (3), 517-528. [BibTeX]
- Wångdahl, J. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2019). Psychometric validation of Swedish and Arabic versions of two Health literacy questionnaires, eHEALS and HLS-EU-Q16, for use in a Swedish context: A study protocol. BMJ Open, 9 (9). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2019). RAPP - digital uppföljning efter dagkirurgi. Svensk Kirurgi, 77 (1), 37-39. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Nilsson, U. & Stenberg, E. (2019). The impact of self-efficacy and health literacy on outcome after bariatric surgery in Sweden: a protocol for a prospective, longitudinal mixed methods study. BMJ Open, 9 (5). [BibTeX]
- Hälleberg Nyman, M. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2018). Association Between Functional Health Literacy and Postoperative Recovery, Health Care Contacts, and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Patients Undergoing Day Surgery Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surgery, 153 (8), 738-745. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. , Eriksson, M. & Odencrants, S. (2018). Holding It Together - Patients' Perspectives on Postoperative Recovery When Using an e-Assessed Follow-Up: Qualitative Study. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 20 (5). [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Nilsson, U. (2018). Sex Similarities in Postoperative Recovery and Health Care Contacts Within 14 Days With mHealth Follow-Up: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 (3). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Philipsson, A. , Hagberg, L. , Jaensson, M. , Hälleberg Nyman, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). Cost-effectiveness of a systematic e-assessed follow-up of postoperative recovery after day surgery: a multicentre randomized trial. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 119 (5), 1039-1046. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). Evaluation of postoperative recovery in day surgery patients using a mobile phone application: a multicentre randomized trial. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 119 (5), 1030-1038. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2017). The Swedish Web Version of the Quality of Recovery Scale Adapted for Use in a Mobile App: Prospective Psychometric Evaluation Study. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 5 (12). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2016). Evaluation of the Swedish Web-Version of Quality of Recovery (SwQoR): Secondary Step in the Development of a Mobile Phone App to Measure Postoperative Recovery. JMIR Research Protocols, 5 (3). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Odencrants, S. , Grönlund, Å. , Hagberg, L. & Eriksson, M. (2016). RAPP, a systematic e-assessment of postoperative recovery in patients undergoing day surgery: study protocol for a mixed-methods study design including a multicentre, two-group, parallel, single-blind randomised controlled trial and qualitative interview studies. BMJ Open, 6 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Grönlund, Å. & Nilsson, U. (2015). The developement of the recovery assessment by phone points (RAPP): A mobile phone application for postoperative recovery monitoring and assessment. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 3 (3). [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Jaensson, M. , Wångdahl, J. & Dahlberg, K. (2024). Health literacy friendly organizations: a scoping review about promoting health literacy in a surgical setting. Patient Education and Counseling, 125. [BibTeX]
- Ryman, C. , Warnicke, C. , Hugosson, S. , Zakrisson, A. & Dahlberg, K. (2024). Health literacy in cancer care: A systematic review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 70. [BibTeX]
- Granath, A. , Pettersson, S. , Gunnarsson, I. , Welin, E. & Dahlberg, K. (2023). How is the patient perspective captured in ANCA-associated vasculitis research? An integrative review. Rheumatology: Advances in Practice, 7 (3). [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Dahlberg, K. (2022). Methods and timing in the assessment of postoperative recovery: A Scoping Review. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 129 (1), 92-103. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Nilsson, U. (2019). Factors influencing day surgery patients’ quality of postoperative recovery and satisfaction with recovery: A narrative review. Perioperative Medicine, 8. [BibTeX]
- Hulldin, J. , Athlin, S. , Dahlberg, K. , Eklund, D. , Kosamo, E. & Pettersson, C. Hulldin, J. (ed.) , Athlin, S. (ed.) , Dahlberg, K. (ed.) , Eklund, D. (ed.) , Kosamo, E. (ed.) & Pettersson, C. (ed.) (2021). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2021. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Athlin, S. , Berglind, Å. , Dahlberg, K. , Ehnfors, C. , Eklund, D. , Pettersson, C. , Rangel, I. , Rolland, A. & et al. Athlin, S. (ed.) , Berglind, Å. (ed.) , Dahlberg, K. (ed.) , Ehnfors, C. (ed.) , Eklund, D. (ed.) , Pettersson, C. (ed.) , Rangel, I. (ed.) , Rolland, A. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) & Venizelos, N. (ed.) (2019). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2019. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Dahlberg, K. (2018). e-Assessed follow-up of postoperative recovery: developement, evaluation and patient experiences. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2023). International Care of the Perianesthesia Patient. I: Jan Odom-Forren, Drain's Perianesthesia Nursing: A critical care approach. . Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Bylund, A. & Stenberg, E. (2023). An endeavour for change and self-efficacy in transition: a qualitative study. Konferensbidrag vid 6th International Collaboration of Perianaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-22 September 2023. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Bylund, A. & Stenberg, E. (2023). An endeavour for change and self-efficacy in transition: a qualitative study. Konferensbidrag vid 6th International Collaboration of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Sundqvist, A. , Nilsson, U. , Hugelius, K. & Jaensson, M. (2023). Nurse competence and care in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU): Nurse’s and patient’s perspectives. Konferensbidrag vid 6th International Conference for Perianaesthesia Nurses - ICPAN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-22 September, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Dahlberg, K. (2023). Postoperative recovery: How and when is it assessed. Konferensbidrag vid 6th International Collaboration of Perianaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-22 September 2023. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Sundqvist, A. , Nilsson, U. & Jaensson, M. (2022). Sjuksköterskor på postoperativ avdelning i Sverige: Vilka är deras specifika kompetenser?. Konferensbidrag vid Sjuksköterskedagarna 2022, Stockholm, Mars 8-9, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Wångdahl, J. (2021). Comparison of Health literacy and eHealth literacy among Arabic-speaking migrants and Swedish-speaking residents in Sweden. Konferensbidrag vid IHLA Global Health Literacy Summit, [DIGITAL], October 3-5, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Wångdahl, J. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Bergman, L. (2021). Health literacy and e-health literacy among Arabic speaking migrants in Sweden. I: European Journal of Public Health. Konferensbidrag vid 14th European Public Health Conference 2021, [DIGITAL], November 10-12, 2021. (ss. 267-268). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. & Wångdahl, J. (2021). Health literacy and e-health literacy among Arabic speaking migrants in Sweden: a cross-sectional study. Konferensbidrag vid 14th European Public Health (EPH) Conference, [DIGITAL], November 10-12 November, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Brady, J. M. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Odom-Forren, J. (2019). Education, Competency and the Role of the PACU Nurse: Results from an international survey. Konferensbidrag vid 5th International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN 2019), Cancun, Mexico, November 5-8, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Odencrants, S. (2019). Holding it together – patients’ perspectives on postoperative recovery when using an e-assessed follow-up. Konferensbidrag vid 5th International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN 2019), Cancun, Mexico, November 5-8, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2019). Low Preoperative Mental Health can lead to Poorer Postoperative Recovery in Patients Undergoing Day Surgery. Konferensbidrag vid SFAI-veckan, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 11-13, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Hälleberg Nyman, M. , Nilsson, U. , Dahlberg, K. & Jaensson, M. (2019). The impact of health literacy on postoperative recovery among patients undergoing day surgery. Konferensbidrag vid 5th International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN 2019), Cancun, Mexico, November 5-8, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Philipsson, A. , Hagberg, L. , Jaensson, M. , Hälleberg Nyman, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). Cost-effectiveness of a systematic e-assessed follow up of postoperative recovery after day surgery: a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Konferensbidrag vid 4th International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses, Sydney, Australia, November 1-4, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). How are you?: A systematic e-assessment of postoperative recovery. Konferensbidrag vid 4th International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN), Sydney, Australia, November 1-4, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). How are you?: A systematic e-assessment of postoperative recovery. Konferensbidrag vid Kirurgveckan, Jönköping, Sweden, August 21-25, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). RAPP, en IT-lösning för uppföljning efter dagkirurgi. Konferensbidrag vid ANIVA Vårkongress 2017, Örebro, Sweden, April 27-28, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). The process of development and testing of an IT-solution for measuring postoperative recovery. Konferensbidrag vid The 2017 European Conference in Nursing and Nursing Research, "Future Direction of European Nursing and Nursing Research", Malmö, Sweden, July 4-5, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2016). RAPP, en IT-lösning för uppföljning efter dagkirurgi. Konferensbidrag vid Medicinteknik dagarna 2016, Örebro, 5-6 Oktober, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2015). The development of a smartphone app for self-reporting postoperative recovery after day surgery. I: 3rd International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses ICPAN 2015. Konferensbidrag vid 3rd International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses ICPAN 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark September 9–12, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2015). Utveckling av en smartphoneapp för patientrapporterad postoperativ återhämtning efter dagkirurgi. Konferensbidrag vid Kirurgveckan, Örebro, 17-21 augusti, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. , Eriksson, M. & Odencrants, S. Holding it together : patients’ perspectives on postoperative recovery when using an e-assessed follow-up. [BibTeX]
- Karlberg-Traav, M. , Eriksson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Cronqvist, A. Is the patient’s perspective taken into account? – Interventions to improve evidence-based nursing : An integrative literature review. [BibTeX]
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
- Athlin, S. , Dahlberg, K. , Eklund, D. , Fernberg, U. , Johansson, I. , Kumawat, A. K. & Marques, T. M. Larsson, C. (ed.) (2022). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts 2022. Örebro: Örebro Universitet. [BibTeX]
- Berglind, Å. , Dahlberg, K. , Ehnfors, C. , Eklund, D. , Hulldin, J. , Larsson, C. & Pettersson, C. Larsson, C. (ed.) (2020). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2020. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Wångdahl, J. & Dahlberg, K. (2022). Promoting health literacy in a surgical setting: a scoping review. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Karlberg-Traav, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Cronqvist, A. (2020). Interventions performed to improve evidence-based nursing?: how are the patient's perspectives met?. NIHR. [BibTeX]