Patrik Karlsson
Patrik Karlsson Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknikE-post: cGF0cmlrLmthcmxzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==
Telefon: 019 303689
Rum: T2275

Om Patrik Karlsson
Teknisk bakgrund inom Fordonsteknik samt Maskin- och Materialteknik.
Civilingenjör i Maskinteknik med inriktning Materialteknik.
Teknologie doktor i Materialteknik.
Materialforskning och karakterisering av material med hjälp av exempelvis mekanisk testning, oförstörande provning, ljusoptisk mikroskopi, svepelektronmikroskopi och datortomografi.
Några exempel på forskningsområden där materialforskningen tillämpats är 3D-printing/additiv tillverkning, tråddragning, plåtformning, fordonsteknik, tribologi (studier av slitage, friktion och smörjning) och ytteknologi.
Andra uppslag är givetvis också välkomna, hör av dig!
Kursansvarig och examinator i material- och tillverkningstekniska ingenjörskurser som Konstruktionsmaterial, Materiallära för civilingenjörer samt Tillverkningsteknik för civilingenjörer.
Handledare och examinator för examensarbeten som våra duktiga ingenjörsstudenter genomför varje år.
Har ditt företag några förslag på exjobb som ni vill marknadsföra? Hör av dig!
Programansvarig för högskoleingenjörsprogrammen i Maskinteknik.
Pågående projekt
- ATOAM - Avancerade verktyg genom additiv tillverkning
- Industriell håltagning i lättviktsmaterial
- NanoSafety2
- OPTIPAM - Optimerad produktionsprocess för additiv tillverkning
- ProFibre4AM
- Wire drawing optimization with resource efficient lubrication (WOLS)
Avslutade projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Åsberg, M. , Lin, F. , Karlsson, P. , Oikonomou, C. , Strandh, E. , Uhlirsch, M. & Krakhmalev, P. (2024). A Comparative Study of the As-Built Microstructure of a Cold-Work Tool Steel Produced by Laser and Electron-Beam Powder-Bed Fusion. Metals, 14 (8). [BibTeX]
- Lin, Z. , Dadbakhsh, S. , Larsson, J. , Karlsson, P. & Rashid, A. (2024). A Systematic Approach to Optimize Parameters in Manufacturing Complex Lattice Structures of NiTi Using Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (10). [BibTeX]
- Alijagic, A. , Kotlyar, O. , Larsson, M. , Salihovic, S. , Hedbrant, A. , Eriksson, U. , Karlsson, P. , Persson, A. & et al. (2024). Immunotoxic, genotoxic, and endocrine disrupting impacts of polyamide microplastic particles and chemicals. Environment International, 183. [BibTeX]
- Alijagic, A. , Scherbak, N. , Kotlyar, O. , Karlsson, P. , Wang, X. , Odnevall, I. , Benada, O. , Amiryousefi, A. & et al. (2023). A Novel Nanosafety Approach Using Cell Painting, Metabolomics, and Lipidomics Captures the Cellular and Molecular Phenotypes Induced by the Unintentionally Formed Metal-Based (Nano)Particles. Cells, 12 (2). [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Karlsson, P. & Pejryd, L. (2020). The effect of bearing length on the surface quality of drawn wires. Wire Journal International, 53 (2), 50-55. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Jansson, A. & Karlsson, P. (2019). Monitoring and evaluation of the wire drawing process using thermal imaging. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 101 (5-8), 2121-2134. [BibTeX]
- Surreddi, K. B. , Oikonomou, C. , Karlsson, P. , Olsson, M. & Pejryd, L. (2018). In-situ micro-tensile testing of additive manufactured maraging steels in the SEM: Influence of build orientation, thickness and roughness on the resulting mechanical properties. La Metallurgia Italiana (3), 27-33. [BibTeX]
- Gåård, A. , Karlsson, P. , Krakhmalev, P. & Broitman, E. (2015). Nano-scale friction of multi-phase powder metallurgy tool steels. Advanced Materials Research, 1119, 70-74. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Gåård, A. , Krakhmalev, P. & Berhe-Larsson, J. (2014). Influence of tool steel hard phase orientation and shape on galling. Advanced Materials Research, 966-96, 249-258. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Gåård, A. & Krakhmalev, P. (2014). Influence of tool steel microstructure on friction and initial material transfer. Wear, 319 (1-2), 12-18. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Krakhmalev, P. , Gåård, A. & Bergström, J. (2013). Influence of work material proof stress and tool steel microstructure on galling initiation and critical contact pressure. Tribology International, 60, 104-110. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Gåård, A. , Krakhmalev, P. & Bergström, J. (2012). Galling resistance and wear mechanisms for cold-work tool steels in lubricated sliding against high strength stainless steel sheets. Wear, 286-287, 92-97. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Eriksson, J. , Gåård, A. , Krakhmalev, P. , Olsson, M. & Bergström, J. (2012). Galling resistance evaluation of tool steels by two different laboratory test methods for sheet metal forming. Lubrication Science, 24 (6), 263-272. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Alijagic, A. , Engwall, M. , Särndahl, E. , Karlsson, H. , Hedbrant, A. , Andersson, L. , Karlsson, P. , Dalemo, M. & et al. (2022). Particle Safety Assessment in Additive Manufacturing: From Exposure Risks to Advanced Toxicology Testing. Frontiers in Toxicology, 4. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Karlsson, P. (2014). The influence of tool steel microstructure on galling. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Karlsson, P. & Jansson, A. (2023). In-situ evaluation of the performance of wire drawing using multiple sensors. I: Interwire 2023. Konferensbidrag vid Wire Association International 93rd Annual Convention (Interwire 2023), Atlanta, USA, May 9-11, 2023. (ss. 3-14). [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Lindström, P. , Korin, C. , Ekengren, J. & Karlsson, P. (2023). The Influence of Nozzle Size on the Printing Process and the Mechanical Properties of FFF-Printed Parts. I: Christoph Klahn; Mirko Meboldt; Julian Ferchow, Industrializing Additive Manufacturing Proceedings of AMPA2023. Konferensbidrag vid International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications (AMPA 2023),. (ss. 159-170). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Alijagic, A. , Scherbak, N. , Kotlyar, O. , Karlsson, P. , Persson, A. , Hedbrant, A. , Norinder, U. , Larsson, M. & et al. (2022). Cell Painting unveils cell response signatures to (nano)particles formed in additive manufacturing. I: Toxicology Letters. Konferensbidrag vid XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) - UNITING IN TOXICOLOGY, Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 18-21, 2022. (ss. S226-S227). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Garmendia Alustiza, S. , Otegi, N. & Karlsson, P. (2022). Enhanced cooling by conformal cooling of additively manufactured wire drawing tools made of cemented carbides. I: Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference Proceedings. Konferensbidrag vid Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference (MAMC 2022), Graz, Austria, September 26-28, 2022. (ss. 225-235). [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Karlsson, P. , Ekengren, J. & Pejryd, L. (2021). Enhanced Cooling Design in Wire Drawing Tooling Using Additive Manufacturing. I: Mirko Meboldt, Christoph Klahn, Industrializing Additive Manufacturing Proceedings of AMPA2020. Konferensbidrag vid The 2nd International Conference on Additive Manufacturing for Products and Applications (AMPA 2020), Zürich, Switzerland, September 1-3, 2020. (ss. 426-436). Springer, Cham. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Pejryd, L. & Strömberg, N. (2020). Generative Design Optimization and Characterization of Triple Periodic Lattice Structures in AlSi10Mg. I: Mirko Meboldt; Christoph Klahn, Industrializing Additive Manufacturing Proceedings of AMPA2020. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd International Conference on Additive Manufacturing for Products and Applications (AMPA 2020), Zürich, Switzerland, September 1-3, 2020. (ss. 3-16). Cham: Springer. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. , Karlsson, P. & Pejryd, L. (2019). The effect of bearing length on the surface quality of drawn wire. Konferensbidrag vid 89th Annual Convention of the Wire Association International, Atlanta, USA, May 13-16, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Pejryd, L. & Oikonomou, C. (2017). Factors Influencing Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufactured Thin-Walled Parts. I: Euro PM2017 Congress Proceedings. Konferensbidrag vid Euro PM2017 Congress & Exhibition, Milan, Italy, October 1-5, 2017. European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA). [BibTeX]
- Surreddi, K. B. , Oikonomou, C. , Karlsson, P. , Olsson, M. & Pejryd, L. (2017). In-situ Micro-tensile Testing of Additive Manufactured Maraging Steels in the SEM: Influence of Build Orientation, Thickness and Roughness on the Resulting Mechanical Properties. Konferensbidrag vid Euro PM2017 Congress & Exhibition, Milan, Italy, October 1-5, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Pejryd, L. , Karlsson, P. , Hällgren, S. & Kahlin, M. (2016). Non-destructive evaluation of internal defects in additive manufactured aluminium. Konferensbidrag vid World PM 2016, Powder Metallurgy World Congress, Hamburg, Germany, October 9-13, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Gåård, A. , Krakhmalev, P. & Bergström, J. (2012). Influence of size and distribution of hard phases in tool steels on the early stage of galling. I: Herald Leitner, Regina Kranz, Angelika Tremmel, TOOL 2012 proceedings of the 9th international tooling conference, developing the world of tooling, Montanuniversität Leoben 11-14 September 2012. Konferensbidrag vid 9th International tooling conference (Tool 2012), Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, September 11-14, 2012. Knittelfeld: Verlag "Gutenberghaus". [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, P. , Gåård, A. , Krakhmalev, P. & Bergström, J. (2010). Galling Resistance and Wear Mechanisms for Cold Work Tool Steels in Lubricated Sliding Against High Strength Stainless Steel Sheets. I: Eric Felder; Pierre Montmitonnet, Tribology of manufacturing processes Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP 2010), Volume 2. Konferensbidrag vid ICTMP 2010 - the 4th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Nice, France, June 13-15, 2010. (ss. 673-682). Paris: Presses de l'Ecole des mines. [BibTeX]
Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Karlsson, P. (2012). The early stage of galling. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. [BibTeX]
- Zekavat, A. R. , Adibi, P. T. Z. , Johannesson, P. , Karlsson, P. , Pejryd, L. & Sjögren, T. An experimental approach to investigatethe influential parameters on mechanical strength of AlSi10Mgthin-wall structures manufactured by selective laser melting. [BibTeX]