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Samira Prado

Befattning: Forskare Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper


Telefon: 019 303470

Rum: X2303

Samira Prado

Om Samira Prado

About Samira Prado
Samira is a researcher at Örebro University, within Nutrition-Gut-Brain Interactions Research Centre (NGBI), Food and Health programme and Pan Sweden. She has a background in nutrition and did her MSc (2012-2014) and PhD (2014-2019) in Food Science and Experimental Nutrition at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), where her main focus was to evaluate the structural-dependent effects of dietary fibres on colon cancer, microbiota functioning and other immune interactions using in vitro and in vivo experiments (incl., cell culture, batch colonic in vitro fermentation, animal models). Her PhD thesis received the Best PhD Thesis award in Food Science (2020) by the Ministry of Education and the Best Thesis award in Agricultural Science (2020) by the University of São Paulo.
Samira works in an interdisciplinary program and her research line involves nutrition and sustainable food system. She is focused on dietary changes since they can promote environmental benefits on a scale not achievable by food producers. There is no "one fit for all" for the mechanisms by which foods impact human health since their effects are highly dependent on the gut microbiota. That's why her research line is dedicated to deciphering gut-related metabolites related to diet and the possibility of creating in vitro tools that could predict individual biological responses. Samira conducts human interventions to evaluate dietary proteins and fibre effects on gut-related metabolites and dietary biomarkers. She is also interested in improving dietary assessment tools for human interventions.
Awarded grants: FORMAS Mobility Grant (2022-2023; ca 2M SEK), Ekhagastiftelsen (2023-2014; 980 000 SEK), FORMAS Early Career Grant - starting grant (4M SEK 2024-2027).
Samira is involved in teaching activities at the Master's Programme in Experimental Medicine. She has experience in supervising bachelor and master students in the lab, developing experimental protocols, data analysis and writing.
Samira is elected chair of the Junior Faculty board representing early career researchers.


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