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Liisa Husu

Befattning: Seniorprofessor Organisation: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap

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Liisa Husu

Om Liisa Husu

Liisa Husu is Senior Professor of Sociology, at the School of Humanities, Education and Social Science (HumES), Örebro University. She is an affiliated researcher and member of the GODESS Institute at the Department of Management and Organisation, Hanken School of Economics, Finland, and scientific advisory for the Chalmers University of Technology 10-year gender equality action GENIE.


Liisa Husu is a Finnish sociologist and gender expert with a strong international engagement. She has previously been a co-Director of GEXcel Collegium at Örebro University (2012-2022) and board member of GEXcel Centre of Gender Excellence, one of the Swedish Centres of Gender Excellence, funded by the Swedish Research Council 2007-2011; Professor of Gender Studies at Örebro University 2011-2020, Guest Professor in Gender Studies at Örebro University 2009-2010, Guest Professor at Linköping University Tema Genus 2009-2011, and is Docent in Women’s Studies at Tampere University, Finland.

Husu received her PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki in 2001, and was awarded the Gender Studies award Christina of the Year in 2002 by the University of Helsinki Christina Institute of Gender Studies, and the University of Helsinki Gender Equality Prize, the Maikki Friberg Prize, in 2009.

Liisa Husu was the Na­­tio­­nal Co-ordi­­na­­tor of Wo­­men’s Studies and se­­­­­­nior ad­­vi­­ser in the Fin­­nish gender equa­­­­l­­ity machi­­ne­­ry (Council for Equality between Women and Men and Equality Ombudsman’s Office) at the Prime Minister’s Office and Mi­­nist­­ry of So­­cial Af­­­­fairs and Health 1981-1996; re­­searcher in the Academy of Finland funded research project Gender in Academia 1997-2001 at the Department of Social Psychology, Uni­­versity of Helsinki; Re­­search Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Stu­­dies, University of Hel­­sinki 2002-2008, and Project Manager of NASTA - Women’s Leadership Research and Development Project, a national three-university project funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education, 2008-2010, at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki.

Research interests

Liisa Husu's re­­search in­­te­­rests fo­­cus on gen­­der in scien­­ce, academia and knowledge production; espe­­­­­­cially on gen­­der dyna­­mics and in­­equa­­li­­ties in scien­­tific careers, organisations and scien­­ce po­­licy. She led the GEXcel research theme “Gender Paradoxes in Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation(s)”, and the Örebro part of the Swedish Research Council funded project on “Feminist Theorizings of Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies”. She was a partner in a major European FP7 project GenPORT that was pooling and organising extensive gender and science resources to an interactive portal. In 2021-2023, she was engaged in two Horizon2020 projects related to gender in science and academia: GRANTed on gender bias in research funding, and UNISAFE, on gender-based violence in universities.

Evaluation activities

Husu has been a member of the evaluation panel in the Uppsala University overall research evaluation Quality and Renewal  2006,   a "researcher on research" panel member in the Uppsala University overall research evaluation Quality and Renewal  2017 at Uppsala University, and in the evaluation panel of social sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2015 and 2020.

She has been a reviewer for ERC; Elsevier New Scholar Programme; Austrian Wissenschaftsfonds Wittgenstein award; the Science Foundation Ireland Institute Development Awards; Israel Science Foundation; assessor for the Irish Higher Education Agency Senior Academic Leadership Initiative; member in the evaluation committee of the MEERVOUD programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO; was member of the jury of the European Women Inventor and Innovation Award 2009; and took part in the Swedish Council for Higher Education's assessment of gender equality projects in higher education, funded by DJ, the Delegationen för jämställdhet i högskolan (Committee for gender equality in higher education). In 2017, she conducted a gender equality review of the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences) research project funding processes.

Husu has been a reviewer for professorial positions in Sweden (Umeå University, Gender Studies), Finland (Åbo Akademi, Gender Studies, Tampere University, Gender Studies) and Australia (Australian National University).

Expert activities and positions of trust

Husu has functioned ex­­ten­­sively as a gender expert and ad­­vi­­ser for diverse research stakeholders in Nor­­dic count­­­­­­­­­­­­ries, Europe and internationally, including funding organisations and Ministries, and has been actively in­­vol­­­­­­ved in de­­­­­­ve­­­­­­­­­­loping gender app­­roaches in uni­­ver­­si­­ties and re­­search policy since the early 1980s in ma­­ny roles and contexts.

She has served as the Vice-Chair and member of the University of Helsinki Equality Committee, and was a member of Örebro University Equality Committee from 2010 until May 2018 (until the Committee was not renewed). She was member of the board of NIKK, Nordic Gender Institute, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, 1995-2000, and the Chair of its first board 1995-1996. She was also a member of the Swedish Ministry of Education advisory group on gender in European research policy in 2017.

Husu served as a member of the Board of the Tampere University Foundation in Finland, established in April 2017, which was to merge the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology to a new university, and member of the interim Board of the new Tampere University, until October 2018.

Ph.D. education and examination

Liisa Husu has examined ten Ph.D.s (in Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, and Sweden; in Sociology, Political Science, Education, and Gender Studies) and supervised seven doctoral students. She was Board Member of Intergender, the Swedish-International doctoral school in gender research.

International engagements

Liisa Husu has lectured and given invited presentations in over thirty countries, in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, Latin America, Morocco, South Africa, and USA.

International engagements include a keynote presentation in the Japanese-American-Scandinavian forum on gender in science in Washington D.C. in 2009; at the UNCTAD multi-year expert meeting on enterprise development and capacity building in science, technology and innovation in 2011; in the EC Social Dialogue, Committee on Education in 2012; at the European Conference of Women University Rectors in Istanbul in 2014; at the International Conference on Gender and Higher Education in Europe in University of Lund in 2014, and in the Gender Panel of the Second African Ministerial Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation in Rabat, Morocco in 2014.

European engagements

She has played an active role in European actions and research development on gender and science; as a partner in the FP7 project GenPORT; as researcher in the FP7 project genSET, a capacity building action project on gender equality and excellence in science; as a partner in the EU FP6 research pro­­­­ject PRO­­ME­­TEA on empowering wo­­men in technological re­­search ca­­reers; a partner in the EU FP6 pro­­ject ADVANCE on promo­­ting wo­­men’s scien­­tific careers; and a member of the COST action Gender STE. She contributed to the EC re­­port Gen­­der and Excel­­lence in the Making (2004), and was the Rap­­­­porteur of the EC ex­­pert group Gen­­der and Ex­­cel­­len­­ce (The Gender Challenge in Research Funding, 2009) reviewing research funding from gender perspective in 33 countries.  She was an expert in the EC expert group on the impact of COVID-19 on gender equality in research and innovation (2022).

Husu has been the moderator of the European Network on Gender Equality in Higher Education, and its email list eq-uni since 1998, and has contributed to organising eleven European Conferences on Gender Equality in Higher Education across Europe. She was a founding mem­­ber of the European Platform of Women Scien­­tists EPWS.  In 2016 she was appointed to a Scientific Advisor of the European Association of Women Rectors, EWORA. She was a long-term board mem­­­­ber of the Inter­­national Socio­­logical As­­so­­cia­­tion’s Research Com­­mittee 32 “Women in Society”, and is a board member of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 23, Sociology of Science and Technology during 2018-2021.

Husu was a member of the steering group of the European conference on gender in research and innovation organised by the Finnish EU Presidency in Helsinki in October 2019.


Her publica­­tions include Hard Work in the Academy. Research and Inter­­ventions on Gen­­der In­­equalities in Higher Education (1999), the special issue on Aca­­de­­me and Gender of UNES­­CO/CEPES jour­­nal Higher Education in Europe (2000), Se­­xism, Support and Sur­­vival in Academia: Academic Wo­­men and Hidden Discrimi­­na­­tion in Finland (2001), Tiede, tieto ja sukupuoli [Science, Knowledge and Gender] (2005), Dold diskriminering på aka­­de­­miska arenor – osynligt, synligt, subtilt [Hidden discrimination on academic arenas – invisible, visible, subtle] (2005); Leadership through the Gender Lens (2010), Women, Management and Leadership (2011), the special issue on Feminist Encounters in Research and Innovation of the journal Feminist Encounters (2021), as well as many journal articles and chapters in books. In 2013 she was among the invited researchers writing in Nature on”Scientists of the world speak up for equality”.


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