Sport Science
Subject information
Sport Science at Örebro University is an interdisciplinary subject and is defined as the study of physical activity undertaken with the goal of promoting physical and mental health, recreation, competition, performance, and aesthetic experience. The research in sports science is conducted within two areas: Physiology/medicine and Social sciences/education.
In the social and educational orientation, research is, for example, carried out in sports didactics, sports psychology, sports management, health-promoting sports, and sports history. Our research often focuses on the school subject physical education and health, organized sports, exercise and recreational sports, and “friluftsliv” (outdoor education). Examples of processes that are studied are leadership, management, governance, teaching, learning, assessment, socialisation, within various sports and movement cultures. Sports are also studied from different perspectives on the body, movement and health. Research is often conducted together with researchers in other disciplines and at other universities. This collaboration makes it possible for doctoral students to participate in research schools such as the research school in Educational Science with a focus on didactics and the research school Sustainable Movement Education.
Sports physiology and medicine at Örebro University includes both basic and applied research that focuses on knowledge about the adaptation of the human body to both inactivity and different types of physical activities. Research highlights neuromuscular, hormonal, immunological, cardiovascular as well as metabolic adaptations that occur in response to different types of exercises, as well as the impact of physical activity habits on health and ageing trajectories. Research in sports physiology and medicine has an important impact on sport performance as well as the development of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation measures based on physical exercise for the promotion of healthy aging.
- Daniel Alsarve
- Dean Barker
- Natalie Barker-Ruchti
- Annica Caldeborg
- Thomas Chaillou
- Peter Edholm
- Helena Ericson
- Christer Ericsson
- Mattias Folkesson
- Karin Fröding
- Susanna Geidne
- Adrian Hosford-Donovan
- Karl Jansson
- John Jouper
- Fawzi Kadi
- Diego Montiel Rojas
- Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter
- Jan Mustell
- Andreas Nilsson
- Elodie Ponsot
- Robert Primus
- Lara Rodriguez-Zamora
- Karin Sjödin
- Björn Tolgfors
- Marie Öhman
- Jannik Gustafsson, PhD student
- Rasmus Karlander, PhD student
- Fanny Kuhlin, PhD student
- Robin Lindgren, PhD student
- Lina Mrak, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- #gymnastalliance: An international study on women's gymnasts speaking out about abuse
- Digitalization and Stakeholder Participation in the Democratic Governance of Sport Organizations
- Education for sustainable sport management
- Educational clash or educational potential? School aged asylum seekers' encounters with Swedish health education
- Eurodiet
- Health-promoting sports clubs (HPSC)
- Holistic assessment in school physical education
- How different types of hypoxia affect neuromuscular markers, metabolic stress and associated mechanisms during a 8 weeks hypertrophy strength training
- Moral Relations in Encounters with Nature
- Movement subject knowledge in physical education teacher education
- Newbreed
- Pathophysiology and physical activity
- Physical Education in the age of Covid-19
- Physiological and biological adaptations over an extreme ultrarunning challenge
- Prevention with Precision: a personalized approach for health promotion at work
- Promotion of Healthy Dietary and Physical Activity Habits in Aging Populations in a Primary Care Setting
- Recovery in sports
- Shame on you! Exploring fat-shaming in coaching practices
- The effects of Qigong exercise on mood and feelings
- Using the pedagogical innovation "the practising model" in physical education: a multiple case study.
- Voluntary work within project's funded by the Swedish Inheritance Fund
Completed projects
- Assessment for learning in physical education
- Coaching boys into men. A project on sports, gender equality and masculinity
- DeGeer Family - the fall of an industrial town
- Doped via supplements? A pilot study on doping and supplements in sports clubs in Sweden
- Encounters with nature and environmental moral learning
- Epidemilogical and molecular links between chronic inflammation, physical activity, diet and muscle mass in elderly
- Exercise therapy in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy - Integration of physical training in lifestyle to induce functional, tissue and quality of life benefits.
- Food and health in educational contexts
- Intercultural encounters in physical education
- New dietary strategies addressing the specific needs of elderly population for an healthy ageing in Europe
- Physical activity and diabetes in young adults
- Physical activity, nutrition, inflammation and the metabolic syndrome in elderly: Epidemiology and in-vitro
- Physical contact in professional education and training
- Physiological responses and adaptations to exercise
- Promoting national implementation for sports club for health (sCFORH) programmes in member states
- The regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle in relation to aging and exercise
- TWH 65-70 A randomized controlled trial of health effects of training & dietary intervention in elderly women