Om forskningsmiljön
- Business-to-business relationships and marketing
- Innovation and entrepreneurial behavior
- Strategy in business models and ecosystems
INTERORG is the School of Business’ research center for industrial marketing researchers interested in interorganizational relationship and network issues. Its purpose is to increase and spread the knowledge of the social, environmental, technological, and economic aspects of business-to-business interactions.
Research at INTERORG
The research conducted at INTERORG includes focus on collaborative business practices and strategies, innovation and evolution of business models, relationships and industry dynamics, and the entrepreneurial processes involved. Moreover, a critical aspect of the research is the sustainability and environmental consequences of the organizing of business among companies.
The work has recently been published in marketing and innovation journals such as, for instance, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, European Journal of Marketing, and R&D Management.
The tab “Research Projects” on this webpage lists ongoing research projects.
Funding bodies and collaborations
The center has obtained funding from various research councils. The research at the center is currently funded by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen), Forskarskolan Management och IT, Vinnova, Forskarstiftelserna Handelsbanken and Region Örebro län, and up until recently, The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council (Handelsrådet).
The research is conducted in collaboration with researchers at other universities in Sweden, the Nordic countries and throughout the rest of Europe and beyond. It also collaborates closely with industry and public organizations (e.g., Trafikverket, Örebro Kommun, Arbetsförmedlingen, Robotdalen, Jämtkraft, Linde Energi, Karlskoga Energi och Miljö, and Kumbro).
Knowledge is co-produced with the industry
The center has an outspoken interest for method development and practices, which it links to contemporary developments in industry. At INTERORG, a multiplicity of methodological and theoretical frameworks is encouraged to understand and explain inter-organizational problems, such as case studies, systematic/critical literature reviews, archive studies, scenario analysis, and agent-based modelling and simulations. Empirical research in collaboration with industry partners are encouraged and used as a deliberate strategy for funding. The co-production model of knowledge production ensures that the results are industry-relevant and useful in industrial practice.
Contemporary research colors education
In terms of education, contemporary research findings from INTERORG are used to develop bachelor and master courses at the School of Business to increase students’ preparedness for the business life of tomorrow. This includes an increased focus on sustainability transition, innovation, business model transformation, creativity to create new market opportunities, up-to-date business marketing knowledge, and business-to-business strategy.
Pågående projekt
Avslutade projekt
- 3D och nya affärsmodeller
- ISO-certifiering och affärsrelationer
- Prosumerande prosumenter
- Teknik och reglering i samverkan: Ett institutionellt perspektiv på den historiska utvecklingen inom den svenska finansindustrin.
- The new generation electric utility
- Value creation and loyalty in exchange relationships: a dynamic perspective