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Research subject



Education is a broad social science subject. The discipline takes an interest in the processes that are active in Bildung, education, learning, teaching, communication and socialisation. The subject also studies the conditions for these processes, their content and design, and their consequences. In educational research at Örebro University, didactics, curriculum theory, educational policy and educational history have a strong presence, and there is a specific interest in education for democracy, human rights and sustainability.

The educational research is conducted mainly within four groups:

Education and Democracy brings together researchers who are active in curriculum theory, educational history, didactics and educational philosophy. A common hub is the interest in how education takes shape in different societal contexts and historical times, as well as the consequences that follow.

ESERGO works with empirical and theoretical studies of environmental and sustainability education, with a specific focus on the ethical and political aspects. An overall goal for the group is to create new ways of understanding the relationship between social and ecological systems and how this can and should be included in education.

ReCEL brings together researchers and doctoral students at Örebro University who conduct research on children's education and learning. The members of the group are united by an interest in pedagogical practices for younger children (0-12 years), both in formal education and informal educational activities for this age group.

Special education, education and learning ask questions about what knowledge, teaching and learning are, for whom and how this comes about. Research often concerns the relationship between individual and society and aspects of accessibility, participation, inclusion and exclusion.

Research projects

Active projects