Subject information
In biomedicine, basic research in the natural sciences is applied to medical problems.
- Andi Alijagic
- Cecilia Aneskans
- Naveed Asghar
- Simon Athlin
- Torbjörn Bengtsson
- Anna Böttiger
- Zarah Carlander
- Jessica Carlsson
- Magnus Carlsson
- Katharina Dannenberg
- Sabina Davidsson
- Isak Demirel
- Daniel Eklund
- Kristina Elgbratt
- Gabriella Eliason
- Anna Fagerström
- Sanja Farkas
- Ulrika Fernberg
- Louise Fornander
- Richard Forsgård
- Karin H Franzén
- Knut Fälker
- Mats G Karlsson
- John-Peter Ganda-Mall
- Anna Green
- Magnus Grenegård
- Anna Göthlin-Eremo
- Alexander Hedbrant
- Olof Hultgren
- Elisabeth Hultgren-Hörnquist
- Mats Humble
- Helena Isaksson
- Mikael Ivarsson
- Rita Jaafar
- Susanne Jacobsson
- Ingrid Jakobsen
- Kartheyaene Jayaprakash
- Magnus Johansson
- Christina Karlsson
- Anita Koskela von Sydow
- Marcus Krantz
- Robert Kruse
- Ashok Kumawat
- Gabriella Lillsunde-Larsson
- Madelene Lindkvist
- Liza Ljungberg
- Kerstin Malm
- Aidan McGlinchey
- Wessam Melik
- Mulugeta Melkie Zegeye
- Jessica Montero
- Paula Mölling
- Niloofar Nickaeen
- Eewa Nånberg
- Matej Oresic
- Eva Oskarsson
- Joakim Oxelbark
- Eleonor Palm
- Geena Paramel
- Katarina Persson
- Alexander Persson
- Samira Prado
- Malin Prenkert
- Sofia Ramström
- Ignacio Rangel
- Dieter Samyn
- Allan Sirsjö
- Bianca Stenmark
- Maria Svensson
- Eva Särndahl
- Elisabet Tina
- Lina Tingö
- Nikolaos Venizelos
- Anders Wirén
- Rongrong Wu
- Emma Adolfsson, PhD student
- Susanne Axelsson, PhD student
- Linnea Brengesjö Johnson, PhD student
- Amaya Campillay Lagos, PhD student
- Marianne Haug, PhD student
- Christina Karlsson, PhD student
- Evangelia Kerezoudi, PhD student
- Seta Kurt, PhD student
- Abubakr Omer, PhD student
- Carolina Pettersson, PhD student
- Kedeye Tuerxun, PhD student
- Max Waenerlund, PhD student
- Emanuel Wiman, PhD student
Research groups
- Adaptive immunity in microscopic colitis and colon cancer
- Antimicrobial therapy
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics in Translational Medicine(BIT-M)
- Cardiovascular Research Centre (CVRC) - translational cardiovascular research
- Cellular and Molecular Virology
- Circulating biomarkers för detection and surveillance of cancer
- Clinical genomics
- Development of novel chitosan-based scaffolds for cartilage repair
- Experimental neuropsychiatry and ageing
- HPV related cancer, precision medicine in prevention, screening and diagnostics
- Immunoprofiling of Inflammation (iPi)
- Infection & inflammation (i&i)
- Inflammation, Genetics and Drug Discovery in Cardiovascular Systems
- Inflammatory Response and Infection Susceptibility Centre (iRiSC)
- Innate immunity in cardiovascular disease
- Molecular cardiovascular research
- Molecular Systems Biology
- Platelet function and coagulation in health and disease
- Systemmedicin
- The ageing gut (TAG)
- Viral pathogenesis and vaccine development
Research projects
Active projects
- Bacteriocins in prevention and treatment of infections
- Bacteriocins in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections
- Behandling av peniscancer som metastaserat till lymfkörtlar eller andra organ
- Cell Painting: a novel tool in toxicology (CPTox)
- Circulating biomarkers for the diagnostics and monitoring of cancer.
- Cobalt in the hard metal industry - lung and skin exposure and the implications for keratinocytes with regards to inflammasome activity
- Connection between primary and secondary hemostasis
- Cross-talk between platelets and the vessel wall
- Development and characterization of novel antimicrobial compounds
- Developvaccines@oru
- Diagnosis and treatment of periodontitis
- E. coli-induced inflammation
- Exposure to particles and biomarkers of inflammatory responses in workers in pulp and paper industry
- Functional studies of protein-protein interactions between flavivirus and the host cell
- Gene variants of the NLRP3 inflammasome in Neisseria meningitidis-induced severe infection
- Gene variants of the NLRP3 inflammasome in Staphylococcus aureus-induced severe infection
- Genetic variations in genes associated with inflammation and predisposition for altered biomarker profiles
- Ikaria Healthy Ageing
- Inflammation and fibrosis- what are the mechanisms ?
- Interleukin-6 as a therapeutic target for atherosclerosis
- Intracellular bacterial communities (IBC) and recurrent urinary tract infections
- Investigation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals as contributors to progression of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease
- Link between primary hemostasis and inflammation
- Lymfkörtelkirurgi och komplikationer
- MCbär-Swedens first study regarding meningococcal carriage
- Mechanisms and treatment of periodontal infection and associated systemic inflammation
- Molecular epidemiology of the Tick borne encephalitis virus
- NanoSafety2
- Neisseria meningitidis-induced sepsis
- Network medicine and systems biological approaches to modeling inflammation
- Novel peptide therapeutics against infections caused by enveloped viruses
- Occupational particle exposure: Different environments, but the same risks?
- PenBus: inflammation, HPV och genetik vid peniscancer
- Peniscancer och risk för andra HPV associerade tumörformer
- Plastic antibodies and nanoplasmonic sensors in targeting risk markers of periodontitis and systemic disorders
- Platelet function in cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology
- Platelet function in transfusion medicine
- Prognostic biomarkers for patients with prostate cancer
- Quartz- and particle exposure in iron foundries- mechanisms and impact on inflammation and coagulation markers for respiratory effects and cardiovascular disease
- Regulation and early signs of immunosuppression in sepsis
- Regulation of Inflammasomes
- Reprogrammed monocytes during infections and sepsis
- Retinoic acid in acute ischemia and heart failure: from genes to left ventricular performance
- Role of CARD8 for inflammation in vascular cells
- Role of NLRP3 inflammasome and interleukin-1 (IL-1) in cardiovascular disease
- Role of zinc finger proteins in cardiovascular diseases and cancer
- S. aureus-induced sepsis
- Sentinel Node och peniscancer
- The Blue Muffin Study - Impact of gut physiology and function on the formation of bioactive oligomers upon dietary fibre consumption
- The detrimental effect of bacterial infections in the cf lung
Completed projects
- Cellbiokemiska studier avseende aminosyratransport hos fibroblaster från barn med autism och betydande uppmärksamhetsproblem (ADHD)
- Development of edible flavivirus vaccines
- Development of edible vaccines against Tick-Borne encephalitis (TBE)
- Effect of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligands on human colonic intraepithelial lymphocytes
- Effects of perfluorinated compounds on the hepatic fatty acid oxidation in avian embryos using the tritium release assay
- Functional characterization of tyrosine, alanine and tryptophan transport in human fibroblast cells
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) to identify alterations of neurogenesis associated with autism
- Inflammasome activity and regulation in neutrophils
- Lifestyle, Biomarkers, and Atherosclerosis (LBA) Study
- Multiresistant ESBL-producing uropathogens - studies of antibacterial strategies and pathogenesis mechanisms
- Muscarin acetylcholin receptorbindningsstudier i fibroblaster från Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) patienter
- NanoSafety1
- Patient-Derived Stem Cells (iPS) for Phosphoproteomic Profiling Neuropsychopathology
- Preclinical development of simple vaccines from dna launched suicidal flaviviruses
- Simple vaccines from DNA launched suicidal flaviviruses
- SP110 as a novel regulator of innate immune inflammasomes
- Surveillance of viral tick-borne zoonosis using novel strategies